Correction to: Toward a comprehensive view of cancer immune responsiveness: a synopsis from the SITC workshop

J Immunother Cancer.
Published July 4, 2019

Published Erratum

Following publication of the original article [1], the author reported that an author name, Roberta Zappasodi, was missed in the authorship list.

Authors: Davide Bedognetti, Michele Ceccarelli, Lorenzo Galluzzi, Rongze Lu, Karolina Palucka, Josue Samayoa, Stefani Spranger, Sarah Warren, Kwok-Kin Wong, Elad Ziv, Diego Chowell, Lisa M Coussens, Daniel D De Carvalho, David G DeNardo, Jérôme Galon, Howard L Kaufman, Tomas Kirchhoff, Michael T Lotze, Jason J Luke, Andy J Minn, Katerina Politi, Leonard D Shultz, Richard Simon, Vésteinn Thórsson, Joanne B Weidhaas, Maria Libera Ascierto, Paolo Antonio Ascierto, James M Barnes, Valentin Barsan, Praveen K Bommareddy, Adrian Bot, Sarah E Church, Gennaro Ciliberto, Andrea De Maria, Dobrin Draganov, Winson S Ho, Heather M McGee, Anne Monette, Joseph F Murphy, Paola Nisticò, Wungki Park, Maulik Patel, Michael Quigley, Laszlo Radvanyi, Harry Raftopoulos, Nils-Petter Rudqvist, Alexandra Snyder, Randy F Sweis, Sara Valpione, Roberta Zappasodi, Lisa H Butterfield, Mary L Disis, Bernard A Fox, Alessandra Cesano, Francesco M Marincola; Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) Cancer Immune Responsiveness Task Force and Working

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